Kamala Harris Supported Eliminating Private Health Insurance

Kamala Harris Supported Eliminating Private Health Insurance

It seems our esteemed Vice President Kamala Harris has been doing quite the healthcare policy shuffle. Remember when Obama promised, “if you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan?” Buckle up, because Harris’s stance on private insurance might just give you whiplash. Let’s dive into the progressive wonderland of “Kamalacare” and see what’s really on the menu for American healthcare.

The Evolution of Harris’s Healthcare Stance

Kamala Harris has been a vocal supporter of Medicare for All, but her position on private health insurance has been about as consistent as a weather vane in a tornado. In 2019, she boldly declared, “I believe the solution—and I actually feel very strongly about this—is that we need to have Medicare for all. That’s just the bottom line…it is inhumane to make people go through a system where they cannot literally receive the benefit of what medical science can offer because some insurance company has decided it doesn’t meet their bottom line.”

The Flip-Flop

However, when pressed on whether she would eliminate private insurance, Harris’s stance became murkier than a swamp in Washington. She initially supported abolishing private health insurance but later backtracked, claiming she misheard the question. Her team then introduced “Kamalacare,” a plan that includes a 10-year transition period and allows for private Medicare Advantage-style plans.

“That’s not what I meant,” Harris said, attempting to clarify her position. “It was in the context of saying, ‘let’s get rid of all the bureaucracy, let’s get [rid of] all of the waste.'”

The Progressive Agenda

Beyond healthcare, Harris has positioned herself as a champion of progressive values. She’s a strong advocate for reproductive rights, co-sponsored the Green New Deal, and supports banning fracking. Her policies are expected to significantly increase federal spending, a fact that has critics raising eyebrows and clutching their wallets.

“To truly protect reproductive freedoms, we must restore the protections of Roe,” Harris stated, doubling down on her progressive stance.

The Bottom Line

As we look towards 2024, it’s clear that Harris’s healthcare policies and broader progressive agenda will be under intense scrutiny. While she may build on Biden’s healthcare legacy if elected, her more liberal leanings could push the Democratic platform further left. For conservative voters, this should serve as a wake-up call to the potential reshaping of American healthcare and beyond.


1. If You Like Your Health Care Plan, Will Kamala Harris Let You Keep It?

2. Here’s where Kamala Harris stands on various health care issues as she campaigns for presidency

3. From banning fracking to private health insurance, Kamala Harris is no centrist

4. Kamala Harris changes answer on abolishing private health insurance, saying she misheard debate question

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