(FeaturedNews.com) – California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) has backed the decision of the Democratic Party to leave President Biden as the top ticket in the 2024 election season.
During an interview on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Newsom argued that it was because of Biden’s record that he was being kept on top of the ticket. This was in response to a question about whether or not it was wise for Biden to be the top ticket considering all the concerns that voters have about his age and mental acuity.
Newsom however claimed that Biden with all his achievements in the last three years has delivered a masterclass. He pointed out that the President has created around 15 million jobs, the economy is thriving, inflation has been going down, and that currently, it is at 3.1 percent which is only 0.6 percent more than what it had been in 2020.
He then added that they have American manufacturing rising because of Biden’s moves which have led to manufacturing returning to the country. This is why he had great confidence in Biden moving forward and why he was “absolutely all in” about a possible second term from President Biden. Newsom also claimed that he was “not worried” about whether or not Biden would be able to beat former President Donald Trump in a possible general election matchup.
In terms of Biden’s campaign, he noted that Biden was doing everything he could to show voters why they needed to support him and that his record was extraordinary.
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