Teenager’s Movement Gets Attention from Lawmakers

Photo by dole777 on Unsplash

(FeaturedNews.com) – Chris McCarty, 18, a freshman at the University of Washington, is pushing for a bill that would help provide additional privacy protection to the children of online content creators and influencers.

McCarthy, started their website Quit Clicking Kids in an effort to provide more awareness regarding the issue and to push for change. They noted that they started to advocate for children’s rights after finding out about the case of Myka Stauffer.

Stauffer was a vlogger who had a daily family vlog in which she shared extensively about her children, especially her adopted son, who they adopted from China. Stauffer chose to relinquish custody of her adopted son because of the extensive medical needs he had.

McCarty began their efforts in trying to bring change to the world of family vlogging and the privacy rights of the children of influencers while still in high school. During their senior year they started cold emailing multiple state legislators in order to find support for their cause. In time they ended up working with state Rep. Emily Wicks, to craft HB 2023, which was re-introduced as HB 1627 this year.

HB 1627, which the House Civil Rights and Judiciary Committee discussed on Tuesday during a public hearing seeks to provide more protection to children who are “featured” on their parents “for-profit” social media and specifically family vlogs. The law would specifically require a certain amount of the profits to be set aside for the children of these influencers. The law would affect all creators whose content generates more than 10 cents per view and has their children visible in 30 percent of their paid content.

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