Things That Actually Improved in 2022

Photo by Tim Swaan on Unsplash

The news often focuses on all of the alarming situations around the world, but the reality is that in the past year, there are many ways in which the world has actually gotten better, not worse. These noteworthy accomplishments are something to remember and celebrate as we move into 2023.

1. The Malaria vaccine

Malaria is a deadly disease that has been slowly declining over the past two decades. Despite the decline in 2021, there were 247 million cases and 619,000 related deaths. While so far we did not have a weapon against Malaria, there is now an effective malaria vaccine that has for the first time been deployed by the World Health organization. By April 2022 more than 1 million children had received the vaccine in Africa.

2. Wild mammals return

Throughout Europe, many wild animals started reappearing in the oceans and forests. With the work of conservation groups, many habitats for these mammals have become protected which has allowed the population of these mammals to grow. That along with reintroduction programs has been key to more than 19 species having a greater than 100% change in abundance.

3. Guinea worm disease almost eradicated

The guinea worm disease is a waterborne parasitic infection that has led to endemic diseases in Asia, the Middle East, and Africa. In 1989, there were more than 890,000 cases of the disease, however, that number has greatly declined as in 2022 the number of cases was only 15. This means that the disease is close to being eradicated.

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