Stirring Up a Hornet’s Nest
Ah, the sweet fragrance of a Washington scandal; it makes you wonder what these folks were thinking—or if they were thinking at all. Caroline Lian, a high-ranking D.C. official, recently found herself booted out of the District’s Department of Buildings after she was caught juggling a full-time gig at Freddie Mac. Spoiler alert: she wasn’t exactly pulling it off smoothly, leading to a well-deserved $25,000 fine and a boatload of scrutiny. Why should you read on, you ask? This story isn’t just another episode of “Washington Gone Wild”; it’s a cautionary tale about ethics, public trust, and the need for accountability.
Double Dipping in D.C.
Lian started her tenure at the District’s Department of Buildings in October 2022, earning a plush $175,000 annually. By early 2023, she had been promoted to Deputy Director. Yet, Lian also had a second full-time job at Freddie Mac. While side hustles are all the rage, holding two full-time jobs at high-profile positions is nothing short of audacious.
“The investigation into Lian’s financial disclosures and outside employment is ongoing.”
Misreporting and Fines
Lian’s inability to disclose her dual employment led to severe ethics violations. On at least ten occasions, she reported that she was working at her D.C. government job while attending city council meetings—a clear breach of ethical conduct.
Adding fuel to the fire, her failure to properly report her outside employment in her financial disclosures culminated in a hefty $25,000 fine for violating the city’s code of ethics.
The Public Reaction
Lian’s story isn’t just an isolated incident; it’s a reflection of a system that demands stringent oversight. The hypocrisy of public officials flaunting their conflicts of interest while collecting taxpayer money irks the average American. Washington can’t afford to let such shenanigans go unchecked.
“But she insisted to the Falls Church News-Press she simply made a ‘clerical error,’ as she called the investigation ‘very petty.’” –
The investigation has since been referred to the Commonwealth’s Attorney for further scrutiny, a move that underscores the gravity of the situation. Here’s hoping that a lesson will be learned, but we won’t hold our breath.
Wrap It Up Already
So, here we are. Caroline Lian’s moonlighting escapade serves as a glaring example of why we need strict ethical guidelines in our public sectors. As much as we’d like to think we’ve seen the last of such debacles, history has a funny way of repeating itself. Until then, enjoy the spectacle.
Falls Church Mayor Letty Hardi chimed in, urging compassion within the community, even while Lian’s actions raised eyebrows—a reminder that not everyone in Washington is blind to the moral high ground.
In the end, the D.C. Department of Buildings’ Press Secretary Daniel Gleick assured the public that the department would ensure compliance moving forward.
So, dear reader, the next time you hear about another scandal in the headlines, remember Caroline Lian and her two-timed tango. It’s not just a story—it’s a lesson in the significance of integrity.
According to records from the D.C. Board of Ethics and Government Accountability, she had been working for the D.C. government since October 2022, earning $175,000 a year, but at the same time, she was earning a six-figure salary from Freddie Mac.
— NBC4 Washington (@nbcwashington) August 8, 2024
2. Deputy Director of DC Buildings resigns after ethics investigation