U.S. Applesauce Contamination May Have Been Intentional

Photo by Rachel Loughman on Unsplash

(FeaturedNews.com) – Jim Jones, the Deputy Commissioner for Human Foods at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), has stated there is evidence to suggest that the recalled applesauce pouches which have resulted in many children feeling sick with lead poisoning, might have been intentionally contaminated.

Jones has noted that the probe is still ongoing but that currently, the signs indicate that the puree had been intentionally poisoned. In an interview with Politico, he said that while they were still looking into the situation, so far it appears as if someone in the supply chain had intentionally contaminated the pouches. He added that they were currently trying to gather more information regarding this.

The FDA is currently inspecting a manufacturing facility in Ecuador, where all three brands, Schnucks, Weis, and WanaBana, whose pouches were found to be contaminated have ties. Jones noted that they believe that the facility had not expected that any of the contaminated pouches would have ended up in countries that have robust regulatory processes.

Jones argued that his instinct was telling him that the facility had expected that the product was not going to end up in a place where they would have been able to detect that there was contamination.

The FDA is currently examining multiple theories dealing with applesauce contamination, however, so far the agency has noted that they believe that the motive was economic. He added that the ingredients might have been altered in an attempt to sell the product for a higher value.

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