VIDEO: Jill Biden Erupts on Reporter for Simple Question

Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

( – In response to recent polling indicating a lead by former President Donald Trump over President Joe Biden in the majority of pivotal swing states, First Lady Jill Biden has voiced skepticism and confidence in her husband’s electoral prospects. During an appearance on “CBS Mornings,” she was queried about President Biden’s re-election campaign and the results of a Wall Street Journal survey, which positioned Trump ahead in six out of seven swing states crucial for the 2024 elections. Interrupting the CBS host, she asserted that President Biden is not trailing in all key battleground states and expressed optimism about his performance once the electorate concentrates on the choice between the two candidates.

Jill Biden dismissed concerns regarding the President’s re-election campaign, firmly believing in his victory. The Wall Street Journal poll highlighted Trump’s lead in states like Pennsylvania, Michigan, Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, and North Carolina, which are essential for securing electoral success, with Biden only tying in Wisconsin and not leading in any of the surveyed battleground states.

Amid these polling results, there have been reports of President Biden showing signs of frustration and concern over his campaign’s trajectory. Allegations surfaced of him vocally expressing dissatisfaction in response to declining poll numbers in Michigan and Georgia, particularly related to his management of international conflicts, as per an NBC News report.

Additionally, there are reports of Biden’s insistence on his achievements’ recognition and his interaction with aides who are keen on reducing his public gaffes. Despite these challenges, including public scrutiny over his age and performance, Biden has engaged with top donors in private meetings to quell concerns about the upcoming election.

The situation encapsulates a broader narrative of a political campaign facing the challenges of fluctuating public opinion, internal party dynamics, and the strategic maneuvering required to maintain momentum in a highly competitive electoral environment.


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