Woman Reveals Secret To Her Old Age

Photo by Matt Bennett on Unsplash

(FeaturedNews.com) – Last month, Elizabeth Francis, a woman from Houston, Texas, celebrated her 114th birthday. She is currently the second-oldest living person in the United States and the oldest one in Texas. The Gerontology Research Group (GRC), noted that the woman, who belongs to the group of “supercentenarians,” which includes everyone who has lived more than 110 years, is the seventh-oldest person in the entire world.

In the United States, there are over 97,000 people who are centenarians, but the number of supercentenarians is far lower based on the World Economic Forum data.

Ethen Harrison, the 68-year-old granddaughter of Francis, told Fox News Digital that her grandmother had “always enjoyed giving.”  She added that whenever they would have any kind of event or ceremony, her grandmother would be their “biggest cheerleader” and that she would always be there supporting and encouraging them to move forward.

She added that her grandmother had always advocated for treating others in the way you want to be treated, and that is a lesson that had always stayed with her.

Francis was born on July 25, 1909 in Louisiana. In her lifetime, she had seen two pandemics and two world wars. However, despite working outside of her home, she had never driven a car. As she claimed, the reason why she has been able to live so long is because of “the Lord” who has continued to keep her in this world. As she stated, throughout her life she would eat well, walk for exercise, and avoid the “bad stuff,” including drinking and smoking.

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