Former Teen Mom Accomplish Something Incredible

Photo by Aditya Romansa on Unsplash

( – Tyra Moore had gotten pregnant for the first time at 14. At the time, she had been scared and had not even told her parents until she was a few weeks from giving birth. Naturally, with their daughter only letting them know of her pregnancy on the 36th week, the family found themselves completely unprepared for the birth of a baby a few days later.

However, when Moore arrived home from giving birth she found that her neighbors, friends and family members had all left gifts outside her door. Everything from clothes to baby items, to baby books and formulas, had kindly been gifted to her preparing the new mom for what was up ahead.

In an attempt to now pay back the kindness that had once been given to her, she has started an organization called “A Girl Like Me” which is there to help other teen moms.
Moore, who is now 31, said that everyone around her came together and created a village that could help her care for her baby.

Now, she is paying it forward. A Girl Like Me, a nonprofit in Detroit, helps provide mentoring and free baby items to other teen moms and young moms in need. Moms younger than 25 are able to get diapers, wipes, formula and food so that they can face the challenges of raising their child.

Moore also offers parenting classes and openly shares her own story and experience to help the women who seek help in her nonprofit. As she says she hopes to be able to provide them with a safe space that they can come to.

Copyright 2023,

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