Woman Does the Unthinkable at Boston Marathon

Photo by Miguel A Amutio on Unsplash

(FeaturedNews.com) – Meghan Roth, a Minnesota runner, was running the Boston Marathon in 2021 when her heart stopped. Since then, Roth has spoken about returning to the race and potentially completing the Boston Marathon. The thought alone often causes tears to well in her eyes, but those tears could perhaps be a result of the recollection of that day.

On October day, when the Boston race took place, Roth fell unconscious after a sudden cardiac arrest. She was lucky to have been brought back following the impromptu rescue team’s work and the hands-only CPR they performed. By the time Roth was taken to the hospital to have an implantable cardioverter defibrillator placed on her heart, her heartbeat had returned to normal. A few days later, she was home in Minnesota resting from the entire ordeal.

Roth stated that even now, she would want to run another marathon, but she often wonders whether that would be the right move for her.

She adds that she often thinks about the 7.4-mile mark, which is when her heart gave out.

While Roth is running and coaching the sport again, her focus is pointed towards potentially running again in 2024. Still, she will be there helping the organizers along the marathon course.

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