Woman Learns Horrific Lesson About Mother Nature

Photo by Nicolas Lysandrou on Unsplash

(FeaturedNews.com) – In Silver Cliff, Colorado, a 67-year-old woman experienced a harrowing encounter with a mule deer buck right outside her home, resulting in a serious injury. This unsettling incident occurred on a Saturday, as confirmed by Colorado Parks and Wildlife in their press statement.

The woman found herself unexpectedly attacked by a young buck, identifiable by its distinctive antlers, each bearing two spikes. As a consequence of this unforeseen aggression, she sustained a deep puncture wound on her left leg and considerable bruising on her right. Despite her injuries, she managed to return inside her house, alert her husband, and subsequently seek medical attention at a hospital.

Colorado Parks and Wildlife officers, in response to this incident, have been actively searching for the deer, intending to humanely euthanize it upon capture to prevent further such occurrences.

Further observations revealed two young bucks engaging in a typical combative display, known to be common during the mating season, in the same area. This behavior raised concerns about wildlife interactions in residential areas.

A possible attraction for wildlife to this woman’s property, as pointed out by Mike Brown, a CPW Area Wildlife Manager, could be her bird feeder. Brown’s statement highlighted that the woman had been feeding birds and had scattered bread earlier on the day of the attack. This act, though seemingly benign, may have inadvertently encouraged the deer’s approach and its subsequent loss of natural wariness around humans.

Brown emphasized the importance of maintaining a respectful distance from wildlife, noting the dangers that arise when wild animals become too accustomed to human presence. He expressed relief that the woman’s injuries were not more severe, underscoring the critical lesson from this incident about the unpredictable nature of wildlife and the need for cautious coexistence.

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